Domestic Workers Compensation Insurance

Domestic Workers Compensation Insurance

Absolute Domestics is a recruitment and referral agency that matches trustworthy and reliable cleaners to individuals, families or busy homes needing help with the household chores.

Those wishing to provide these types of services register with Absolute Domestics as independent domestic cleaning contractors.

  • What is Domestic Workers Compensation Insurance?

    Domestic Workers Compensation Insurance protects the householder against the risk of a compensation claim from a person injured while working in, or about, or in connection with the householders primary place of residence or connected property.

  • Can Absolute Domestics cover its registered domestic cleaning contractors for Domestic Workers Compensation?

    No. Absolute Domestics cannot cover its registered independent domestic cleaning contractors for domestic workers compensation because they are not employees of Absolute Domestics.

    The ATO lists features of an enterprise as:

    Features of a business include:

    Advertising, setting up a social media account or a website for the business.

    Purchasing business cards or stationery for the business.

    Obtaining business licences or insurance to operate.

    Leasing or purchasing premises, equipment or stock for the business.

    Issuing quotes or bidding for work.

    Consulting with financial, business or tax advisors.

    Applying for finance.

    Buying a business.

    The activity is a significant commercial activity and is a reasonable size and scale.

    There is an intention to make a profit from the activity.

  • Who Does Domestic Workers Compensation Insurance cover?

    Some common examples of household workers include baby sitters, caretakers, cleaning people, cooking, dog walkers, domestic workers, drivers, gardeners, handymen, health aides, house-sitters, housekeepers, in-home carers, laundry and ironing, maids, nannies, pool cleaners,  private nurses, shopping for food, yard workers and other household chores.

  • Should I consider a Domestic Workers Compensation Policy?

    We absolutely recommend it!

    Premiums are relatively inexpensive and the peace of mind enjoyed knowing all parties are covered is absolutely priceless.

    It is important to note that Individual sole trader contractors with ABN’s operating their own business may also be considered to be household workers dependant on circumstances at the time of assessing a potential claim.

    It makes good sense to have this type of insurance cover in place in any event. It should not be taken for granted that home and contents covers domestic workers in the home. While most home and contents policies include public liability insurance, this only covers visitors to the householders dwelling and not people they employ to work on their domestic property.

    Having a domestic workers insurance policy does put the question of risk beyond doubt for the householder from a domestic  workers compensation claim. This means an insurance company deals with any claim the householder may experience.  This is a very important benefit.

  • Who offers domestic workers compensation cover?

    In the Australian Capital Territory, Tasmania and Western Australia, domestic workers compensation cover can often be offered in conjunction with a home contents policy as an optional extra.

    In New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, the government authorities have designated insurers operating as scheme agents on their behalf.

    In Queensland, the scheme is wholly operated by the state.

  • WorkSafe ACT

    WorkSafe ACT

    In the ACT, Domestic Workers insurance can be taken out by contacting one of the WorkSafe ACT Agents or by contacting your home and contents insurer to add domestic workers insurance coverage to an existing policy.

  • State Insurance Regulatory Authority (NSW)

    State Insurance Regulatory Authority (NSW)

    In NSW, private householders who expect to pay $7,500 or less to their domestic workers are not required to take out a separate workers compensation policy as they are automatically covered by WorkCover.

    Householders expect to pay domestic workers more than $7,500 per annum can take out Domestic Workers insurance by contacting one of the Workcover Insurance Agents. Currently the cost is 1% of total wages paid subject to a minimum of $175 per year.

  • NT WorkSafe

    NT WorkSafe 

    In the Northern Territory, private householders are not required to provide workers compensation for their domestic workers where the total wages of their workers is less than currently $302.70 per week.

    If wages for domestic workers does exceed currently $302.70 per week, clients may wish to contact NT WorkSafe for a list of insurance agents who can provide a separate domestic workers compensation policy.

  • WorkCover Queensland

    WorkCover Queensland 

    In Queensland, Domestic Workers insurance can be taken out by contacting WorkCover Queensland on 1300 362 128 and asking for a Household Worker Insurance Policy.  The policy is only $50 for two years and can be arranged with a brief phone call with WorkCover. This is excellent value!

  • ReturnToWork SA

    ReturnToWork SA

    In SA, private householders who expect to currently pay $12,286 or less to their domestic workers are not required to register and pay a separate premium, unless a claim is lodged by a domestic worker.

    If private householders expect to currently pay domestic workers more than $12,286 per annum, they must register with WorkCover SA within 14 days.  We understand the current premium for a domestic household cleaner policy from WorkCover SA is 5.8% of the workers wages..

  • WorkCover Tasmania

    WorkCover Tasmania 

    In Tasmania, Domestic Workers insurance can be taken out by contacting one of the WorkSafe Tasmania Agents listed in the WorkCover Tasmania site or contacting your home and contents insurer to add domestic workers insurance coverage to your policy.

  • WorkSafe Victoria

    WorkSafe Victoria 

    In Victoria, private householders who expect to currently pay $7,500 or less to their domestic workers are not required to take out a separate workers compensation policy as they are automatically covered by WorkCover.

    Householders expect to currently pay domestic workers more than $7,500 per annum can take out Domestic Workers insurance by contacting one of theWorkSafe Victoria Insurance Agents. Currently the cost is 1% of total wages paid subject to a minimum of $175 per year.

  • WorkCover WA

    WorkCover WA

    In Western Australia, Domestic Workers insurance can be taken out by contacting one of the Workcover Scheme Agents listed WorkCover WA site or by contacting your home and contents insurer to add domestic workers insurance coverage to an existing policy for as little as currently $8.80 per year.

  • Can registered cleaning contractors engage other persons to carry out its services?

    A domestic cleaning contractor registered with the Agency may engage other persons to carry out its duties to perform the services with the consent of both the Client and prior written consent of the Agency, which either may refuse to provide at their sole and absolute discretion.

    If another person carries out any of the cleaning contractor’s duties, the cleaning contractor will still be responsible for the performance of the services, as though the cleaning contractor had performed the services itself.

    The cleaning contractor must ensure that the person performing the services agrees to be bound by the Absolute Domestics Terms and Conditions of Registration and is listed on the Agency’s register of approved independent domestic cleaning contractors.


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