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Cleaning products you should never mix

When you’re faced with a tough cleaning job, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and frustrated. In some instances, it’s easy to think that getting creative with your cleaning products is the solution to the problem. Before you grab every cleaning product under your sink and start playing chemist, some of these dangerous duos can leave you wheezing or worse. People often think products that are safe to use alone, mixed in with other products, will make it even better. In truth, this can actually cause unsafe fumes or chemical reactions. Please always read the warning labels and NEVER mix these:

Bleach + Vinegar

This combo might sound like it might be a powerful disinfectant, however, mixing these two produces chlorine gas. Even at low levels, the gas can cause coughing, breathing problems and burning eyes.

Baking Soda + Vinegar

Probably one of the most common cleaning combos, Baking soda and vinegar can help clean your home but you should skip any DIY cleaning recipes that require mixing these two together.

Bleach + Ammonia

Just like combining bleach and vinegar, we suggest not combining bleach with ammonia. Mixing these two together produces a toxic gas called chloramine, which causes the same symptoms of bleach and vinegar.

Drain Cleaner + Drain Cleaner

Ever tried unclogging a drain? It’s frustratingly disgusting, especially if the drain cleaner you purchased hasn’t done much unclogging the pipe. No matter how frustrated you are, we recommend not using another brand of drain cleaner right after. These products have powerful formulas that aren’t meant to combine with other things, if it doesn’t work think about calling a plumber.

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