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How to organise your closet and dresser to get more space

So long overflowing dresser drawers! Clutter won’t stand a chance when you follow our no-fail plan for decluttering the chaos in your closet.

We guarantee to help you organise your dresser like a pro.

If you find yourself in the constant battle of trying to sort out your overstuffed drawers with overflowing clothes, it may be time to declutter your dresser. Our easy six-step process for decluttering drawers and reassessing your wardrobe will help you keep things neat and help you pick out outfits easier!

1. What do I really own?

A clutter-free dresser begins with a thorough inventory. Empty out your entire dresser and sort it out into piles. Segregate like with like, don’t think too much about what you like and don’t, this will slow down the process. Once your piles are sorted, go through them again and subcategorise even more. Tops, for example, may be subdivided into t-shirts and long sleeves.

2. What do I really wear?

Now you can start deciding whether or not you still like certain clothing items. To make this decision-making process easier for you, ask yourself these four questions:

Do I love it?- keep anything you truly can’t part with. Keep in mind though that keeping a beloved item might mean getting rid of another to make more room.

Do I use this?-  If so, how often? Keep things you use most frequently and keep them in the easier places to access.

Can I get another? If there’s an item you might suddenly need or might come back in style, remind yourself that the option of borrowing it is always there. 

Do I have more than one? If the answer is yes, edit it down to the best one.

3. Is the drawer the most convenient place to store it?

You might have better alternative spots for specific types of clothing. Consider hangers and hooks for work clothes and open shelves for folded garments that stack better, like jeans and sweaters. For kids' clothes, storage bins are an excellent choice for pyjamas or loungewear. 

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