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Easy tips to help declutter your bathroom

Did you know that our bathrooms harbour a lot of things we don’t realise we don’t really need? For many of us, the bathroom is a place to shower, get ready and dress up, so it’s no surprise we may keep a lot of unnecessary items that may be taking up too much precious space. If you’re in the mood to get your bathroom organised, here are some helpful tips from Absolute Domestics cleaning experts to help you decide which items to keep, and which should be discarded.

Do I Need This?

Ask yourself, do I need this? It might be easier said than done, especially if you’re a beauty fanatic who appreciates pretty packaging and nice scents. There’s a high chance that most of the products in your bathroom or vanity are just collecting dust. If you’re having trouble getting rid of some of these items, here are some questions you can ask yourself before chucking out that lotion bottle. Am I using this? It’s a straightforward question with a straightforward answer, yes or no. No, maybe, or possibly. If you aren’t using it now, what are the chances you’ll remember to use it in the future? Is this an extra item? Whether it’s lotions, shampoos, or face creams, the reality is you don’t really need more than one. We don’t recommend you overstock on too many products, especially cosmetics. Once they’re opened they have a short shelf life of possibly only three to six months. Would you buy it today? This is a helpful question to ask yourself when you’re on the fence on whether or not you should dispose of an item. Ask yourself, does it still add value to your life or is it simply clutter? Is it something that is still in your style or do you prefer other things from the last time you bought the item? If it’s a cosmetic item, check if the colours are something you would still want to wear and if they make you feel good.

Things to keep or throw out

Towels When it comes to towels, check which ones are still holding their shape and which don’t. For those that have seen better days, you can cut them up and turn them into rags or even donate them to an animal shelter. If you have any extra towels that are still usable, you can donate them to your local secondhand store. Cosmetics Go through your cosmetics and see which ones have already expired. Usually, once a product has been open it slowly starts to expire. After you’ve weeded out products well past their expiration date, go through products that may not be in your style anymore or have colours you no longer find flattering. Makeup Brushes Are your makeup brushes losing fibre? This might be a sign that you need to replace it. For brushes you plan on keeping, we recommend you regularly wash them with gentle baby shampoo and left to air dry. Skincare products For skincare products, be strict. Throw any products that don’t work for you, products you barely use and, again, ones that have expired. If you aren't sure which products are still good enough to use, you can do a patch test at the back of your hand to see if you develop any reactions. You can also try the smell test: if it smells chemically, it has most likely gone bad. Medicines Many people may keep their medicines in the bathroom. We don’t recommend you do so, because of the moisture and fluctuation in temperature. The best place to keep your medicines is in the kitchen. Perfumes and colognes When near a source of heat, perfumes and colognes can lose their scent and break down quicker. If kept in the bathroom, make sure they are kept in a place where the temperature is cool and preferably constant. Countertops Lastly, check how much free space you have on your counter. See if you can make use of other places in your bathroom such as the inside of your cabinet, or use drawer dividers to help make everything organised and tidy.

Get professional help

If decluttering your bathroom has gotten you in the mood to get the rest of your home cleaned up, but you’re short on time, we’re here to give you a helping hand! Our expert cleaners will leave your home sparkling clean. From cleaning out those hard to reach nooks and crannies, to organising your pantry, Absolute Domestics cleaners have a keen eye for detail. There’s no job too big or too small for our professional cleaners!

Our services are completely customisable to your budget and home needs. Whether you’re after a weekly or fortnightly service to maintain a level of cleanliness or if you want a once-off clean, we’ve got you covered. 

Don’t hesitate to give us a call or get rates and book a service with our easy 60second online calculator.  

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