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Your Ultimate Cleaning Schedule

Raise your hand if you’ve ever struggled to keep your home clean. If you’ve ever walked around your house and stumbled upon dust, dirt, and mystery stains, we get it! This is why we’ve created this handy dandy checklist with our Absolute Domestics Professionals to help you stay on top of how often you should be cleaning your house. This is Absolute Domestics ultimate cleaning schedule.

How often should you clean things?

Every Day Make bed Clean dirty dishes Wipe down kitchen counters and tables Do laundry Sweep or Vacuum floors Sanitise bathroom Squeegee shower walls Every Week Mop floors Scrub down bathroom Clean mirrors Change beddings Clean microwave Sanitise sponges Every Month Dust blinds Clean dishwasher and empty vacuum Dust and clean lighting fixtures Vacuum vents Every 3-6 Months Deep clean inside of the fridge Wash pillows and doona Freshen drains Clean inside of the oven Clean out freezer Every Year Clean curtains Deep clean windows Clear out cupboards Deep clean carpet and upholstery

Tips On How To Grapple Your List

Now that you have a checklist for household chores, here are our tips and tricks to ensure getting through it is as seamless and efficient as possible.

Tips For Cleaning Every Day

These are the essential home chores that cut down any chance of harmful germs and bacteria from festering up in your home.

Cleaning dirty dishes- This might seem like a no brainer, but we’re all a little guilty of leaving dirty dishes in our sink. Don’t give your leftover food particles the opportunity to solidify on your plates, not only will this mean more time scrubbing your plates but you’re also attracting unwanted bacteria. 

Sanitise sinks-  You might not think it’s necessary, but it’s a great idea that you sanitise your sinks. If neglected, sinks can become a feeding ground for illness-causing bacteria that can easily transfer to your hands and food. With one part baking soda to two parts white vinegar. Place the baking soda down the drain, followed by the white vinegar. Wait 15 minutes for the bubbling duo to do its thing, then wash away with boiling hot water to rid the drain of any remaining residue.

Tips For Cleaning Every Week

Our tip for weekly chores is to tackle one room or chore each day, this way you’re not doing everything all at once nor will you feel overwhelmed with the amount of work you need to get through.  

Cleaning your microwave- if your microwave is accumulating grease or has a burnt food smell that doesn’t seem to go away, combine 1 cup of water and lemon slice into a microwave-safe bowl, put it in the microwave on high for a couple of minutes. Let it cool before opening the door and wiping the inside with a clean sponge. For more microwave cleaning advice here are some foolproof microwave cleaning tips.

Scrub down bathrooms- Tackling the bathroom can be daunting. The space is often damp, mildewy and stinky. Plus, most of the cleaning needs to be done by hand. Though there’s no denying cleaning the bathroom requires a bit of elbow grease. However, if you stay on top of cleaning your counters and showers, maintaining a clean bathroom becomes easy.

Ensure your counters are always wiped down to catch any recent toothpaste spills, hair strands, or small puddles. As for showers, keep in mind that a dry shower is a clean shower! Soap scum and mildew have a lesser chance of sticking to surfaces of showers if there’s no water to attach to. 

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