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How to get stains out of hardwood floors: Expert Tips

If you’re in a home with hardwood floors, you may be aware of how costly it can be to replace them if they’re stained or damaged. If you have children or pets, odds are there’s at least one mystery stain on your hardwood floor. You may be reminiscing about those days when walking through your home's hardwood floors wowed you, don’t worry! We can regain your floor's former beauty with our expert advice.

How to get stains out of hardwood floors

Whether it’s spilled wine or a pet accident, it all stains. But there’s no need to beat yourself up about it, we know life can get pretty hectic and these things happen. Here are our best tips on how to remove stains from hardwood floors.

Dish detergent

Dish detergent works wonders for more than just cleaning your dishes. If you have food or nail polish stains on your floor, dish detergent can help. Mix the detergent with warm water, dip a rag into it then rub at the stain. Keep repeating this process until the stain is cleaned up. Then buff dry with a clean cloth.

Phenol Solution

Pets have accidents. If you’ve ever tried to house train a puppy, you’ll know it’s tough to deal with pee stains. 

Using a 5% phenol solution can help remove these stains. It’s a hardy cleaning solution and gets rid of odour-causing bacteria that live in pet pee. You can find phenol solutions in most hardware or home improvement stores. 

Isopropyl Alcohol

If a child gets hold of a permanent marker and decides to express their creative side on your hardwood floor, there’s no need to stress, a bit of isopropyl alcohol on a cloth can clean it right up. 

Simply put a small amount on a clean cloth and rub the stain in circular motions for a couple of minutes. Then with a warm damp rag, clean up the isopropyl alcohol, and buff dry with a cloth.

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